Rules & Regulations

General Shop Rules

Safety Rules

  • Everyone who enters the shop must sign the general release form prior to ANY activity and adhere to the following safety requirements. Rules related to Minors are listed in the “Minors at HackPGH” section of these Rules. 
  • Members, students, or any visitors of the shop shall follow each area’s safety requirements, including the use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). For area-specific guidelines and information, age & training requirements, and more, please visit the corresponding Shop Area page on HackPGH’s website. 
  • If another person is operating or utilizing tools requiring PPE in the Woodshop, Metal Shop, or Welding area, all persons in that area must also wear the defined PPE. 
  • Consult a Board Member, Shop Lead, or the Machine & Tool List for machine-specific safety and training guidelines. 
  • When operating machinery on the Industrial side, or within proximity of machinery being used:
    • Closed-toed shoes must be worn;
    • No loose or dangling jewelry or clothing should be worn;  
    • Tie back any long hair; 
  • Eye & face protection
    • Eye and/or face protection is recommended when operating any machinery or tools, however is required when using:
      • Resin printers
      • Welding area
      • Wood Lathe(s)
      • Metal Lathe(s)
      • Rotary tool(s)
    • Safety glasses (with various tints) are available to borrow across from the resin printers (check the drawers, too!). Clean them with the nearby spray or wipes after use and return them to the PPE shelves when you are finished using them. 
    • Welding helmets are located with the other welding PPE in the storage room on the labeled shelves in the back. Face shields are located nearby. 
    • Contact a Board Member or Shop Lead if any eye protection is in need of repair or replacement. 
  • Hearing protection on the industrial side is not optional if you wish to avoid hearing loss!
    • A decibel meter is located on top of the whiteboard in the woodshop. 
    • For reference, 0 decibels is the threshold of hearing and 140 decibels is the threshold for pain. However, hearing loss starts with prolonged exposure to 90 decibels and higher. HackPGH’s CNC clocks in around 120 decibels, the planer 110, and even the hand drill and router can hit up to 90! 
    • Disposable foam earplugs are located on the PPE shelves across from the resin printer.
    • Reusable ear muffs hang from these same shelves. Clean them after use and return them to the shelves!
    • Contact a Board Member or Shop Lead if any hearing equipment is in need of repair or replacement. 
  • For area specific safety requirements please check the specific area section on the website. 

Building Rules

  • No food or open drinks are permitted in close proximity to equipment or machinery.
  • No smoking is permitted inside of the shop. 
  • Alcohol
    • You must be 21 to consume alcoholic beverages.
    • No alcohol is permitted in close proximity to equipment or machinery. 
    • Do not consume alcohol before using power tools and machinery. 
  • Sleeping at HackPGH is not allowed under any circumstances!
  • Never unplug or move security cameras.
  • Do not bring or consume illegal drugs into the shop. 
  • No sexual activity inside the shop. 
  • Noise
    • Scheduled classes, tours, and events take precedence over personal projects and music: turn it down or put it off until the class or tours are over.
    • Our landlords live upstairs. There is also a co-working space and salon located above us where dozens of people work on weekdays and weekends.Generally, we have been informed that people upstairs can’t hear most tools and music. But be respectful with extremely loud tools and music late at night. Make sure all doors are closed (including the garage door).
    • There is ONE location in the shop where the people upstairs can hear everything: the storage room. Please keep your voices down, do not play music, and inform the Board of Directors if you need to vacuum or use a tool beyond the storage room door. 
  • COVID, Flu, RSV, and other illnesses
    • Stay home if you feel unwell! Please do not spread illness to other members and visitors at HackPGH.
    • Wash and/or disinfect your hands often:
      • Purell stations are located near both entrances on the walls. Hand sanitizer can be found in many other locations throughout the shop. 
      • HackPGH has three sinks, each with regular and unscented soaps available. 
      • Contact the Board of Directors if the shop is low on sanitizer or soap. (check the black shelving unit next to the upstairs bathroom first!) 
    • If you test positive for COVID, flu, or RSV:
      • Do not re-enter the shop until you test negative or it has been ten full days after your last positive test. 
      • Please inform a member of the Board so that we may take proper precautions and clean if necessary. 
    • If you are recovering after testing negative and are still symptomatic or you begin to feel unwell while at HackPGH:
      • Wear a mask. HackPGH has three types of disposable masks for free:
        • Blue and yellow surgical masks
        • N95 masks
        • Silver-lined masks for immunocompromised individuals
      • Clean and sanitize your hands often and wipe down all your tools and work surfaces. 
      • If possible, go home and recover until you are asymptomatic. 
    • HackPGH has free COVID/Flu A+B tests in a labeled basket to the left of the kitchenette lockers. Feel free to test yourself if you do not feel well when working at the shop. If you test positive for any virus above, you must leave the shop. If you use the last test, please notify the Board of Directors so they can be replaced. 
    • HackPGH complies with any and all alerts and recommendations from the CDC and the Allegheny County Department of Health. As of August 2024, general masking is not required to enter our facilities. 

First Aid and Emergencies

  • For smaller accidents and medical issues, use one of the many first aid kits around the shop. 
  • Common OTC medicines (aspirin, cough drops, etc.) are located in the large First Aid kit to the left of the sink in the kitchenette. 
  • There are two “Stop the Bleed” trauma kits in marked places on the industrial side of the shop for large bleeds; the kits are located 1) across from the welding area on the side of the yellow flammables cabinet and 2) near the air compressor in the woodshop near the Watson Street door.
  • A (white, labeled) blood, bodily fluids, and glass clean-up kit is located to the left of the sink in the kitchenette. 
  • For larger accidents or if you do not know how to handle a medical emergency, call 911. Tell the operator our address (1936 Fifth Avenue – 15219). Confirm that you are calling from HackPGH on the basement level and not upstairs. Advise them which door to use and open that door for emergency services. 
  • If a fire breaks out, large fire extinguishers are located in marked areas around the shop. Small handheld spray fire extinguishers are also posted in almost every area of the shop. If a fire cannot be controlled, alert all persons in the shop, ensure that everyone leaves the premises, and call 911 immediately. 
  • For all large emergencies (fire, injuries, etc.), an incident report must be filled out after the fact!
    • The incident report forms can be found on the clipboard(s) across from the Jumonville Street entrance, as well as digitally on the shop’s tablet. 
    • Contact a Board Member ASAP regardless of the outcome.

Buddy System

  • The Buddy System is a safety measure used by HackPGH to ensure safe use of the more dangerous tools and machines in the shop. 
  • Tools that require use of the “buddy system” are marked with a yellow circular “2” sticker to indicate that there must be another person in the shop to use one of these tools. 
  • The second person does not need to be on the same side of the shop, so long as they can hear if there is an emergency and are capable of calling for help. 
  • This person is not required to be a member of the space. Members can bring a guest to act as their Buddy, but they cannot use any shop tools and must fill out HackPGH’s General Release Form. 

Tool Usage

  • A list of all machines and major tools will be listed (with photos) on HackPGH’s new Shop Area webpages. There you can find:
    • Photos, specific safety rules, PPE, and guidelines for use
    • If the item is owned by HackPGH or a member (see Loaned Tools below)
    • If the tool is “Borked or Broken” and its repair or replacement status. 
  • Tool Safety
    • Inspect all tools and machines before plugging them in and turning them on to ensure they are in good working order after they are finished.
    • Tools should be returned to a state that is safe to use by the next member.
  • Tool Training Clearances
    • Most tools and machines require training to cover safety and proper usage prior to use.
      • To find out which tools and equipment require training and/or safety checkoffs,, look for the “training required” sticker and/or the equipment’s Shop Area on HackPGH’s website for more information. 
      • HackPGH members can receive free ad hoc training on nearly all tools and equipment. To request training, post in the #training or appropriate Shop Area Slack Channel (e.g., #woodworking, #laser cutter, etc.) and politely ask to be trained. Make sure to include the exact equipment, if you need full training or just a safety checkoff, and your general availability. Remember, everyone at HackPGH is a volunteer. It may take awhile before you and a trainer can find a good time to meet! 
      • If you need training on more than two pieces of equipment in a single Shop Area, you may want to take one of our paid Intro classes. If there are no classes scheduled, post in #asktheboard or the appropriate Area Slack channel and convey your interest. 
      • The only machine that requires payment for ad hoc training is the CNC. CNC training involves considerable time and effort on both the trainer and the member, and we have a very limited number of CNC Shop Leads. Post in #training or #cnc-users on Slack to request a paid training session today! Costs vary depending on the instructor, length of the session, and difficulty of the project. Currently, the prices for CNC training range between $55 and $95.  
    • Shop leads will define the training requirements and guides for each tool. 
    • Shop leads are able to train and grant Tool Clearances on tools in their area. 
    • Shop leads may qualify other members as certified trainers. 
    • When granting a Tool Clearance, both Shop Leads and certified trainers must utilize the Training requirements and guides. 
    • The Board of Directors and Shop Leads may revoke a member’s tool clearance status at any time at their discretion.
  • Broken Tools and Equipment
    • Equipment or tool not working? Is it acting strangely? Use your best judgment and always err on the side of caution. In the event of a broken or suspect tool:
      • Safely unplug or power down the equipment. 
      • Securely tag the item with a (completed) orange “Borked or Broken” ticket immediately.
      • Contact the Board of Directors or a Shop Lead immediately and note the broken status in the appropriate Slack channel.
    • If the hood or resin ventilation malfunctions: shut down the machine, close the hood, secure an orange Borked or Broken tag in a conspicuous place on the hood door, and notify the Board or a Shop Lead immediately. 
    • If a dust collector, extractor, or air ventilator/purifier is not working properly, shut off and unplug the machine. Then, see if it needs to be emptied, unclogged, or have its filters replaced, respectively. For more information, see “Cleaning, Garbage, and Recycling.” 
  • Tool Organization & using Skedda
    • Some tools and machines have time and operational limits. Book time on this equipment using our Skedda site – 
    • If you need to work on a long or complex project that requires you to go over the daily usage, contact a Shop Lead or the Board of Directors.
      • Equipment that requires Skedda scheduling every time:
        • Laser Cutter: (limit of 4 hours max per day
        • CNC: (limit of 6 hours max per day)
      • Equipment that requires Skedda only in special circumstances:
        • 3D Printers: HackPGH now has four 3D printers. Please book your time on Skedda if:
          • You need to use two printers for more than six hours during HackPGH’s “busy” period, noon to midnight. 
          • You need to use any single printer for over fourteen hours at a time.
          • You would like to use more than two printers at once (must get 3D Printer or Shop Lead approval!)
          • You need to bypass any of the above rules because you are working on a shop or class project. 
        • Welding Bench: 
    • Return tools and small parts back to where you found them, especially if they are part of a set. 
    • Wipe down all tools, machines, and work surfaces after use.
    • If you would like to take a small hand or power tool home (i.e., drill, oscillating saw, etc.) you MUST get written permission from the area’s Shop Lead or a Board Member (email or in Slack) to take it home. If it is lost or damaged when outside of the shop, the member is responsible for replacing the item. 
  • Loaned Tools and Equipment
    • A number of tools and equipment are on loan from members and are to be considered their property, and not that of HackPGH. 
    • These items must be clearly labeled as such and may carry with them additional usage requirements – members are expected to read and understand any attached special usage notes these tools may have.
    • HackPGH carries liability for usage and damage (minus normal wear and tear) of any loaned items with fully executed Loaned Equipment Agreements. If a HackPGH member is found knowingly misusing, damaging, or using Loaned Tools and Equipment without permission, they may be subject to a fine by HackPGH. Failure to pay the fine will result in suspension or revocation of membership privileges. 
    • Any member who wishes to loan equipment to HackPGH must obtain permission from the Board of Directors and fill out the Equipment Loan Agreement form before they bring the item onto the premises. 
    • HackPGH will not and does not take responsibility for any Loaned Equipment that does not have a completed Equipment Loan Agreement signed, dated, and executed by the Lender member and at least two Board members.
    • If permission is not granted by the Board of Directors to accept the Loaned Tool or Equipment, the member may bring them for their personal use, but must follow the “General Rules for Personal Storage.” 
  • Donated tools
    • Members must obtain permission from both the appropriate area’s Shop Lead and the Board of Directors before donating any item to the shop. 
    • The donor will receive a tax receipt for their approved in-kind tool donation. 
    • After the receipt is given, the tool becomes the official property of HackPGH and cannot be taken back. 
  • Personal Tools
    • If members would like to bring in personal tools that they do not intend to share with the membership, the owner of the tool is personally responsible for explicitly labeling these items as privately “owned by FirstName LastName”  and storing said tools in either the Storage Room or other defined storage location with permission from both a Shop Lead and the Board of Directors. If permission is not granted to keep personal tools on the premises or the member has used up their storage allowance in the Storage Room, they MUST take the tool(s) home after using them at the shop.
    • Do not use or take any member’s privately owned items without permission. This includes:
      • Tools stored in personal bins or other private storage location;
      • Tools and items explicitly marked as being privately owned by a member; and/or
      • Raw materials or parts of a project in progress marked with a Parking Permit..



  • The Board of Directors may grant temporary access and shop privileges to individuals and groups on a case by case basis, however a tour and shop orientation is required and donations are appreciated. Contact for more information. 
  • Guests may not use tools or machines without proper prior authorization and training.  
  • Guests cannot use tools or equipment unless they are taking a class or participating in club activities without proper prior authorization and training.
  • Guests must be accompanied by a member in good standing, except during public events, open tours, or classes.
  • Only HackPGH members can use shop tools and equipment (Certain classes offered by HackPGH are exceptions)
  • Visitors and individuals attending classes must follow all shop rules and guidelines

Minors at HackPGH

  • There is a separate general release form waiver for minors between the ages of 7 and 18, which must be signed by a parent or guardian. Legal guardian is defined as “a person who has been legally appointed by the court to be responsible for the minor or, in the case of groups, an authorized representative who has received written permission to act in loco parentis.”
  • Minors the age of 6 and under are not permitted, except for limited exceptions of public events wherein all machinery is turned off. 
  • At all times, minors between the ages of 7-18 are only allowed in the shop if accompanied and actively supervised at all times by an adult parent or guardian. 
  • Minors aged 7-12 are only permitted on the Jumonville side of the shop.
  • If a minor aged 12 and under or their parent or legal guardian is physically unable to use the upstairs bathroom, they must be accompanied by the guardian to the Industrial side bathroom and escorted back to the Jumonville Side of the shop. 
  • Minor Tool Usage
  • Minors between ages 7-18 will be allowed to use tools during classes or upon prior approval by the Board and as always, with active parent or guardian supervision at all times
  • Teachers of paid classes may decide on an individual basis what the minimum age for their class is while keeping within the boundaries of the shop’s overall policy of who is allowed on each side. The Board of Directors shall give the final approval for the minimum ages for specific classes. 
  • Minors on the Industrial/Dirty Side of the Shop:
    • Must be 13 years of age or older
    • Hand tools can be used by minors aged 13-14
    • Power tools and machines can be used by those aged 15-17
    • All minors require a parent / guardian present and ACTIVELY supervising at all times.

Parking (Vehicles, Motorcycles, Bicycles, etc.)

  • Parking is free on both sides of Jumonville Street and on the fenced side of Watson Street (opposite of the shop). 
  • HackPGH has a small (three-car max) gravel lot off of Watson Street that can be used by members and visitors.
    • If parking in the lot, make sure there is room for the garbage trucks to access the dumpsters Monday evenings through Tuesday mornings (11:59pm-7:00am)
  • Parking in the lot off Fifth Avenue is reserved for overflow parking, and available only on weekdays after 5pm and weekends. Do not park in the landlords’ spots: in front of the black gate or in the spot right next to Jumonville Street at any time. 
  • Members may bring bicycles and small scooters inside the building temporarily during their active use of the space, but cannot use the shop for overnight or long-term storage (over 24 hours). 
  • If using public/private scooters, do NOT leave them on the sidewalk or street. 
  • HackPGH is not liable for any damage that might occur to your vehicle, motorcycle, bicycle, or scooters while you are at the space.

Prohibited Items / Projects 

  • No working on radioactive or regulated materials, including using thorium electrodes.
  • No RF jammers or pirate radio transmitters.
  • No weapons of any kind are permitted, including firearms, with the exception of firearms being worked on at the shop for preservation reasons. These preservation class or club sessions must be scheduled ahead of time, and no minors can be present in the shop during these times. 
  • Members who carry firearms must store them in their car. 
  • Do not bring anything that would get you arrested if someone complained, such as realistic looking air guns or fake bombs.
  • Cryptocurrency miners may not be ran on HackPGH’s network under any circumstances
  • No fire art, pyrotechnics or dangerous explosive projects are permitted inside the building.
    • Regular torches such as oxy-propane and propylene are fine to safely use when behind the welding curtain, but acetylene torches are explicitly banned in our building rules. 
    • No fireworks, fire spinning, or explosives. 
    • Ask a Shop Lead or the Board of Directors if you need guidance on  
  • Strong Fumes
    • As of August 2024, spray paint may be used inside between the hours of 6pm-6am and on weekends, with some caveats:
      • Spray paint may only be used on the industrial side of the shop.
      • Any and all air filtration systems must be turned on.
      • Plastic drop cloths must be laid down before spray painting anything. If paint gets on the floor or assembly tables, the member is responsible for cleaning it up. 
      • N95 or respirators are recommended. 
    • You may always use spray paint outside in front of the garage or in the parking lot, but please ensure that your items are dry before re-entering the shop.
    • You MAY always use regular paint (with a brush or airbrush) as well as certain low-odor stains and wood epoxy/resins. When using the latter items, please make sure that all available air filtration systems are turned on. 


Member Events

  • Members may host events at the space, including starting a club; giving a presentation; or hosting a special event. Ideas or requests to host an event should be emailed to

Non-Member Events

  • Members may sponsor outside groups to use the Shop, subject to a donation to HackPGH and approval by the Board of Directors.
  • Outside Groups may bring their own beer. alcoholic beverages, however notice must be provided to the Board of HackPGH within 48 hours of the non-member event so the space has availability to properly store the alcohol. Additionally, the outside group shall not permit anyone under the age of 21 to consume alcohol and attest that, by bringing in alcoholic beverages, designated drivers will be used for anyone over the legal alcohol consumption limit- including personal drivers, public transportation, Ubers/Lyft, etc. 
  • The sponsoring member shall  open the space at least 15 minutes in advance, tidy it up and prepare it as appropriate, stay until all attendees leave, clean up the space, and lock up. The sponsoring member shall provide the following information to attendees of the outside group:
    • Pay for priced beverages, snacks, and consumables
    • Clean up ALL clutter/mess.
    • No use of shop area / power tools.


  • We are a 503(c)3 registered non-profit organization, so all donations (cash or in-kind items) are tax-deductible. Donations of cash or in-kind value of $250+ will automatically receive a tax receipt. However, please ask a Board Member if you’d like a receipt from any other donations, and we will happily provide you with one if and when your donation has been accepted.

In-kind donations

  • We appreciate you thinking of us! However, we have a finite amount of space and over the last 15 years, our needs have changed. For all in-kind donations, please contact us at before dropping off any items.
    • The following in-kind donations are usually accepted with advanced notice and permission from our Board of Directors:
      • Computers, laptops, and other working electronics
      • New or gently used woodworking, metalworking, and welding equipment
      • Hand tools (wrenches, screwdrivers, electric drills, etc.)
      • High-quality wood that can be used for community and/or class projects.
  • Things we have enough of and/or cannot accept:
    • Scrap lumber/plywood
    • Old furniture
    • Broken office chairs
    • Paint
    • Chemicals
    • Clothes (unless it is given specifically for an upcoming clothing drive)

Please, do NOT dump items at our doors, inside the shop, or by or in our dumpsters!

Corporate and Volunteer help

  • Do you work for or own a business that can help HackPGH? We always need:
    • Hardware, tools, and replacement supplies. Discounts are welcome and appreciated.
    • Teachers
      • Know a skill and like to share your knowledge with others? Come teach a class at HackPGH! Contact us at
    • Electrical help
      • Our building is old and so is its electrical wiring! We’ve done our best with the limited budget we have, but we can always make the shop safer and more up-to-date. Contact us if you’d like to help.
    • Contractors & Construction
      • As stated above, our shop is quite old. But we are always trying to make it more comfortable and accessible to as many people as possible. Email us if you would like to aid us in anything from renovations to accessibility.

Conduct & Misconduct – policies that apply to anyone who enters the shop                                              

  • HackPGH and Makerspaces all over the world require that members, students, guests, and visitors be “excellent to each other.” This sentiment goes beyond simply treating others the way you wish to be treated. Every person, their personal possessions, the shop and its equipment, should be made safe, valued, and respected. 
  • HackPGH does not permit and will not tolerate any inappropriate or disrespectful conduct. Examples include but are not limited to using loud, abusive, offensive, insulting, demeaning language, profanity, lewd conduct or any conduct that harasses or is bothersome to other guests, students, and members of HackPGH. These and all our Rules & Regulations apply to anyone in or around the shop premises, online in emails or Slack Workspace, or at any and all HackPGH events held off-grounds.
  • HackPGH does not tolerate hateful or discriminatory behavior. This includes, but is not limited to discrimination based on gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, accessibility needs, physical appearance, body size, race, age, or religion as identified by each member.
  • Violent or otherwise unwarranted physical contact will result in immediate removal from the premises. 
  • Ignoring any safety or building rules, abusing shop property or storage policies, using or taking member’s private tools or items without permission, and other forms of misconduct will also result in disciplinary action.
  • Members and Guests are expected to clean up all personal property, food/beverages, debris made after working  before leaving the shop. All shop property, from furniture to computers to heavy machinery, must be handled with respect, care, and used in accordance with HackPGH’s Safety Rules. 
  • Members and Guests will pay for all priced consumables including but not limited to snacks, beverages, laser time, wood, vinyl, acrylic, and filament. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. 
  • Members and visitors may not claim to represent HackPGH or speak on behalf of HackPGH without the explicit approval from the Board of Directors.
  • Members may not link to from a site that contains offensive material.

Disciplinary actions

  • Any person who enters the shop, be they Member, Visitor, Student, or Guest, who violates the Rules and Regulations will be subject to Disciplinary Actions by the Board of Directors and Shop Leads. Disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to, in order of ascending severity:
    • Verbal warnings and discussions;
    • Written warnings to officially address and prevent future misconduct; 
    • “Yellow card” 24-hour suspension from specific equipment, Shop Areas, or the entire HackPGH workshop;
    • Week to months-long suspensions of membership or guest privileges; 
    • Termination of membership or guest privileges;
    • Lifetime ban from HackPGH
  • Shop Leads have the following disciplinary powers which are limited to their respective areas:
    • Shop Leads shall determine who has the right to use the equipment in their respective shop areas. 
    • Shop Leads can revoke tool privileges of members or students who are using equipment in an unsafe or damaging manner. 
    • Shop Leads can suspend members’ access from their respective areas for a day. 
    • Shop Leads can give members “yellow card” one-day suspensions from the entire shop in severe cases when the person in question has become unruly, unsafe, or refuses to listen to Shop Leads. 
    • In ALL disciplinary cases, Shop Leads must report infractions (above-listed consequences or not) to the Board of Directors immediately. 
  • The Board of Directors has final decision-making authority on all Disciplinary Actions.
  • The Board of Directors can and will give verbal and written warnings, when deemed appropriate, for lesser offenses. A second written warning will result in an automatic suspension for a month; any violation thereafter shall result in termination of membership or visitation privileges. 
  • Subject to Board approval and the nature of the violation, warnings are not required before suspension or termination.
  • Upon suspension or termination of membership, the member will also lose their Slack and storage privileges. It is the suspended or terminated person’s responsibility to retrieve and dispose of all personal belongings from the premises. Upon official notice of suspension or termination, the disciplined person will contact the Board of Directors as soon as possible to arrange a time to pick up any personal property.
  • If the disciplined person does not contact the Board regarding their personal belongings within thirty (30) business days of the official notice of suspension or termination, then any and all property in question will be considered abandoned and become property of HackPGH. 
  • If HackPGH must pay any removal, moving, recycling, or other applicable fees to safely dispose of the abandoned items, then the suspended or terminated member will be billed for the total amount of the fees plus any transaction costs.  
  • All officially Loaned Tools & Equipment from a suspended or terminated member must be retrieved according to the terms in the executed Equipment Loan Agreement. 
  • Suspended members will also be prohibited from attending HackPGH classes and public events for the duration of the suspension and will be refunded for any pre-paid class fees.
  • Members or guests who have their membership or visitation privileges terminated may also be given a lifetime organizational ban from all future HackPGH operations, locations, classes, and events – whether at the official shop address or activities held off-premises.

Rules for HackPGH Members


Membership tiers and Dues

  • General Member
    • Annual pre-pay: $800/year
    • $75/month or $70/month on autopay
  • Reduced Rate Member
    • Students
      • $55/month, $50/month on autopay
      • Students must show proof by showing either a class schedule or recently dated student ID (using a .edu email address or showing a non-dated student ID is insufficient). Student Membership expires after one year and proof must be submitted to continue the discount.
    • Seniors and Veterans
      • $65/month, $60/month on autopay
      • Senior discount is for those 60 years of age and older. 
      • Active Duty and Veterans of the US Armed Forces can show their military ID as proof. 
    • Disabled persons
      • $55/month, $50/month on autopay
      • Members must show one of the following:
        • Valid vehicle registration showing disabled placard or parking status.
        • Disabled Person Placard Identification Card/Receipt containing the name of the person with the disabled status. 
        • Valid Medicare Card (under the age of 65) 
        • Current Social Security Disability Award Certificate, dated within 1 year (under the age of 65)

The Board Member reviewing this documentation shall not copy, scan, or retain any version of the provided documentation. Rather, the Board Member shall view the documentation to confirm the member’s disability status and either delete the email containing the documentation or immediately return the documentation to the member. 

  • Group and business memberships
    • We are happy to negotiate membership rates on a case by case basis for businesses, organizations, and (adult) schools/universities. These group memberships must have at least three persons on the account. Email for more information. 

Paying Membership Dues

  • HackPGH memberships are available at monthly and annual rates.
    • Week and day passes are not available. 
  • Membership dues can be paid online through Wild Apricot via debit or credit card, or in-person by cash or checks. 
  • To pay by cash or check:
    • Payment must be placed in an envelope with the member’s name and the date of payment. The envelope must then be placed in the “dues slot” in the safe near the 3D printers. 
    • The Board must be notified within 24-hours via Slack or the email that a cash or check payment has been made. The Board will update and extend the membership at their earliest convenience. 
  • Members are responsible for paying their memberships on time. Members can check the status of their memberships via their Membership Wild Apricot page. Refunds will NOT be given after a membership has been paid for. 
  • Members on autopay must alert a Board Member if they need to cancel or switch membership levels. Members receiving the autopay discount may be charged a five dollar ($5.00) fee if they cancel without informing the Board of Directors before two full months have been paid for. 
  • Lapsed membership status must be resolved within fourteen (14) days or RFID, Slack, storage, and membership privileges can and will be revoked until dues have been paid.
  • Please contact a Board Member privately if you are facing financial hardships.

Paying for Consumables

  • Certain tools require a formal payment system for machine time or materials.
    • Exact rates are posted on or near the machine and in Skedda. 
    • The Board and Shop Leads may determine the rates and tools requiring payment at their discretion.
  • Consumables such as foods, drinks, etc. that are not marked “Up for Grabs” must be paid for either through the appropriate vending system, the wooden payment “box of paymentization” (found on the kitchenette shelf), or online including the appropriate fee(s).
  • Members are expected to pay for all provided food and beverages consumed before leaving the premises.


  • Membership dues
    • Once a member’s dues have been paid, no refunds will be provided.
  • Classes
    • No-shows will not be given refunds. 
    • If a class participant needs to cancel, they must do so 72 hours in advance of the class date to receive a full refund. 
    • In case of absolute emergencies, contact 
    • If a class is canceled, a full refund will be provided. 
    • If a class is rescheduled, participants have the option to take the class on the rain date or receive a refund. 
  • No refunds will be provided for consumables. If there is a problem with the vending machine, contact the Board of Directors immediately.

Membership Requirements

  • HackPGH members in good standing shall be granted access to:
    • Our workshop and all of its equipment, machinery, tools, and available resources.
    • Our local community of makers;
    • HackPGH’s Slack workspace;
    • Communal ad hoc training if and when available;
    • Temporary storage of active projects and materials (see General Rules regarding Personal Storage); and 
    • Participate in the nomination and election of HackPGH’s Board of Directors. 

For more information on the legal definition of HackPGH members and membership, please refer to our Bylaws. 

  • To become a HackPGH member, one must:
    • Be 18 years of age or older
    • Fill out the online “JOIN NOW” form in its entirety including signing/agreeing to HackPGH’s Release Form;
    • Pay the applicable minimum first month dues; and
    • Complete both the tour and new member orientation.
  • After all these steps have been completed, online applications will be “approved” by the Board and the new member will be given a key fob that will provide them with 24/7 access to the shop. 
  • New member applicants are welcome to apply and pay ahead of time, but memberships will not be officially approved until they complete the tour and membership orientation at the shop. The first day of membership is when the new member officially receives their key fob. If registering and paying online, the applicant must attend the tour and new member orientation within one month.
  • To keep your membership in good standing, one must:
    • Read and follow HackPGH’s Bylaws and Rules & Regulations including all Shop/Safety, Membership, Building, and Local/Federal rules;
    • Pay membership dues in full and on time. Members who have lapsed more than one month are no longer in good standing. Members lapsed more than two months will have their access, equipment, and storage privileges revoked; and 
    • Volunteer a minimum of two (2) hours per month and actively participate in at least one shop clean per quarter if physically able. Shop Cleans are usually held on the last Sunday of the month from noon onward. If you cannot make a Shop Clean, post in Slack’s #asktheboard channel for a task to complete! 

How can you fulfill your two (2) hours of monthly volunteer work? Examples include but are not limited to: 

  • Training other members on equipment and tools;
  • Aiding in HackPGH’s organizational, operational, and marketing efforts;
  • Acquiring and donating approved and necessary items (contact the Board of Directors for current priority items);
  • Fixing or performing maintenance on equipment;
  • Helping plan, prepare for, and clean up after official HackPGH events; and 
  • Any cleaning that is not already expected of the member during or after their active use of the shop. For example, vacuuming up sawdust after working in the woodshop, cleaning up after eating, or wiping down work tables after using the computers or sewing do not count towards volunteer hours.  However, taking out all the full garbage/recycling bags to the dumpsters, cleaning the bathrooms, vacuuming general shop space, and cleaning the kitchenette does count. 

Membership Conduct

  • All members are expected to behave responsibly and act with dignity and respect towards everyone at all times – no matter what the situation or background. This rule applies to conduct at the shop and all HackPGH events, no matter the location – both onsite, online, and at events held elsewhere. Members must act in accordance with HackPGH’s Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations, but additionally shall:
    • Respect personal space, private property, and the shop:
      • Never touch another person or their property without permission. Ensure that you have the proper safety clearances and training before using HackPGH’s tools and equipment. 
      • Clean, Maintain, Organize, Improve. In other words, always leave the space better than you found it. Clean up after yourself every time so others can safely use or access workspaces and tools. Do not disrespect other members, their time, or shop property by leaving an unsafe mess for others to clean up. See “Cleaning, Garbage, & Recycling” for more information on how to keep the shop safe and clean. 
      • If you break something, be honest and tell someone (See “Borked or Broken”). In a similar vein, do not make someone feel bad for accidentally breaking something. Instead,  help them understand what went wrong. If you feel there has been gross or intentional negligence, speak to a Shop Lead or Board Member. 
      • Reserve your time on the laser, 3D printers, CNC, and welding bench on HackPGH’s Skedda reservation system. As the popularity of equipment changes, so do our reservation policies. See the Shop Area pages for booking rules. 
    • Respect other people:
      • Do not interfere with other members’ use or enjoyment of the shop. While this rule varies according to circumstances, examples of include but are not limited to:
        • Wearing headphones instead of playing loud music while other members are trying to work.
        • Taking phone calls, meetings, and disagreements outside of communal areas.
        • Leaving the main lights on to allow for a safe work environment. Dimmed lights on the Jumonville side can only be used if all members present agree.
      • Members and visitors alike come to HackPGH to safely collaborate, learn, and create. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and be patient and considerate to those who seek help. 
    • Respect the community and organization: 
      • Members are personally responsible for knowing, following, and keeping up with the HackPGH Bylaws, Rules & Regulations, news, shop and any policy changes.
        • Always read and follow announcements and posts from the BoardBot, Board Members, and Shop Leads. Major announcements may occasionally be sent through emails, but the main method of official communication is Slack.
        • Slack Workspace
          • All members will be invited to join HackPGH’s Slack Workspace. This is the main method of official communication. There, you can chat with other members, request training, contact the Board of Directors, get help on a project, and much more! For more information, see “Slack Workspace Etiquette” below.
          • If you do not have access to Slack, you must regularly keep yourself up to date by emails and in-person discussions on any major news and policy changes. 
      • HackPGH has no paid employees, so we rely on every member to participate, engage, and give back in some way – beyond simply pursuing personal projects and interests. See the volunteer section in our Membership Requirements for how you can help out! 
      • Respect the decisions and directions of the Board of Directors and Shop Leads.
      • Pay for any and all honor system consumables and active laser time. 
      • Scheduled HackPGH classes, clubs, and activities take priority over personal projects regarding equipment and storage. Please check HackPGH’s calendar and Skedda to see reservations and the HackPGH calendar for class and club times.
      • Skedda reservations have priority over those who walk-in to use equipment.
      • The Board may ask those using the laser cutter or working on the industrial side to pause work on loud machines/tools during bi-weekly public tour times.

Slack Workspace Usage & Etiquette

  • New members will be invited to HackPGH’s Slack workspace using the email used to register for membership. Please check your email for your Slack invite. If you do not receive your invitation, check your spam folder before contacting the Board of Directors. 
  • Members are expected to check HackPGH’s Slack workspace regularly for news, updates, Borked or Broken statuses, and important announcements. 
  • Slack is the primary means of communication for our organization. There, you will find direct online access to members of our local maker community, including HackPGH’s Shop Leads and Board of Directors. Members can also submit training requests, seek advice on projects, get help from a Shop Lead or Board member, hold discussions on an array of topics, and much more. 
  • Members are automatically added to the following channels: #general, #announcements, #buddy-system, #tools, #training, and #random. 
  • Every major Shop Area has its own channel, listed below and in the channel “Topic”. The channel “Description” also lists its current Shop Leads.
Shop AreaSlack Channel
Welding & Machining (metal shop)#metalworking-megachannel
Laser cutter#laser-cutting
Electronics Bench #electronics
3D Print Farm#3d_printing
Resin Printing#resin_printing
Soft Arts (sewing, embroidery, jewelry-making, crafting)#soft_arts
IT, Software, and Computers#it-channel
  • Members are expected to join the channels that relate to their use of the space. For example, a woodworker would  join #woodworking, a sewist would join #soft-arts, and so on and so forth. Members may join any and all public channels. 
  • Help us avoid channel bloat! It can be difficult for new members and Slack users to parse out what is or isn’t necessary to look at. Please adhere to the following guidelines:
    • Posting in the #general channel should be reserved for news and posts that affect the entire HackPGH community. Please consider posting in a more specific topic channel before posting in #general.
    • When replying to a post, always click (or right-click) “reply” instead of posting a new comment. This helps keep related conversations together and stops members from being alerted to posts that do not concern them. 
    • Members shall not use the @all or @channel tags unless it is an absolute emergency. 
  • The #announcements channel is reserved for the Board of Directors, Shop Leads, pre-approved posts (from the Board), and emergency posts only. 

Conflict Resolution

  • HackPGH is a communal organization, and we trust our members to stand up against any behavior that is unsafe or disrespectful to the organization, the shop, or others. 
  • The first step to conflict resolution is to respectfully bring it up for discussion with the member or guest.
    • This is a very important step, and should not be skipped – as it usually has the desired effect. 
  • If that did not work or you feel uncomfortable openly discussing the issue, contact a Shop Lead or Board Member in private immediately.
  • Shop Leads have authority over their respective areas, both in regards to safety and disciplinary actions. 
  • See “Conduct & Misconduct” and “Membership Conduct” for information on what officially constitutes misconduct. 

First-in protocol

  • If the shop is empty when you arrive, you will notice that the Watson black metal gate will be closed and locked. Please complete the following as the first person in at the shop:
    • No matter what entrance you use, the outer Watson gate MUST be unlocked! This is for fire and building safety purposes. 
    • Currently the door is locked with a padlock and must be unlocked from the outside.
    • Ask a Board Member, Shop Lead, or post in Slack to get the four-digit code. 
    • Store the padlock on the inside of the inner Watson door, there’s a wooden widget there to hang it from.
  • Turn on the woodshop lights (on wall to the right of garage door)
  • Turn on the woodshop heater (if necessary in cold weather) in front of the Watson-side bathroom. Above the string is a switch – ensure that it is in the “on” position. 
  • Turn on the clean side lights (on the brick pillar by the large printer, behind the office supplies). 

Last-out protocol

  • If you are the last person in for the night you should go through this list:
    • All Tools off? Especially:
      • Power tools (sawstop, etc)
      • Laser Cutter
      • Electronics workbench
      • CNC
    • Desktop Computers off?
      • Both pen island and the computer lab
    • Cleaned up after yourself?
      • Tools put away?
      • Sawdust and metal chips cleaned up?
      • No dirty dishes left out or in the sink?
    • Lights out?
      • Clean side shop lights out (brick pillar by big printer)
      • Metal shop lights out (on wall to left of garage door, next to breaker boxes)
      • Wood shop lights out (on wall to right of garage door, by Watson Street door)
      • Kitchen lights are usually left on
    • Doors locked?
      • Garage door
      • Jumonville Street door
      • Watson Street door
      • Watson Street outer door (gate) padlocked (padlock is stored on back of inner door)

General Rules regarding Personal Storage 

  • HackPGH, its Directors, Shop Leads, and Instructors are not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen personal items or property kept anywhere on the shop premises including but not limited to the workshops, the Storage Room, outside the shop doors, in the parking lot/streets, and/or at HackPGH events hosted off-premises.  
  • Whenever possible, members should keep their personal tools, materials, and other possessions at home. Our shop does not have enough space for every member to keep their belongings at HackPGH. Please respect the organization, shop property, and other members by following this basic premise. 
  • Personal tools, materials, and other possessions should be taken out of the shop immediately if they have been tagged with a Red Parking Ticket or have not been used on an active project within thirty (30) days. 
  • Storage policies are subject to change depending on fluctuating membership numbers, changes to layout, and other circumstances. 
  • The workbenches & assembly tables (on the industrial side) and communal meeting tables and desks (on the Jumonville side) are not for personal storage. All personal items must be cleared from these areas before leaving the shop.
  • If an unfinished project must be left after you leave the premises (e.g., due to instability, drying paint, or curing glue), the owner must ensure that it is safely stored, not blocking walkways, and tagged appropriately and securely with a Parking Permit (See “Parking Passes & Tickets” below). 
  • Due to past abuses, members who do not clean up after themselves or abuse storage privileges at HackPGH will find their items or even their memberships in jeopardy. 
  • Personally owned items meant to be kept at the shop and shared with other members are considered to be “Loaned Tools & Equipment” and the appropriate rules and paperwork must be followed before bringing them to HackPGH. See that section for more information.

Storage Room Use

  • When transport of personal items out of the shop is not feasible due to lack of adequate or reliable transportation, disability, or other prohibitive circumstances, members may keep one closed storage bin with lid under eighteen (18) gallons containing personal items in the Storage Room. 
  • Irregularly shaped objects that cannot fit in a closed bin must be tagged with a green Parking Permit, and stored safely without blocking the walkways or accessibility to other items in the Storage Room. These items must be approved by a Board Member and the Parking Permit signed/checked at the bottom.
  • Members may purchase limited additional storage for a fee. Please contact the Board of Directors for rates. 
  • Organizational and operational supplies, as well as items stored by and for Board Members, Shop Leads, Teachers, and Classes take priority in the Storage Room, as well as pre-approved HackPGH group projects. 
  • Members who abuse or monopolize space will lose their Storage Room privileges and may face Disciplinary Action.

Parking Passes and tickets

  • Parking Passes (green)
    • Members are required to fully complete and securely place a parking pass on all active projects currently being stored at the shop. 
    • Parking passes are good for 14 days of the date on the ticket. 
    • Members are responsible for any and all personal items and materials, ticketed or not, kept at the shop. Members must keep parking passes up to date. 
    • Once the ticket has expired, Shop Leads and Board Members can and will dispose of the item.
  • Parking tickets (red/pink)
    • Tickets will be applied to items without parking passes or expired parking passes.
    • Items with a parking ticket will be posted in Parking Authority or the Shop Area’s channel on Slack.
    • Failure to remove items within 14 days will result in the item(s) being considered abandoned and subject to disposal. 
  • Up For Grabs (blue)
    • If a member finishes a project and has extra materials that may be useful to other members, they may place an Up For Grabs ticket on the item(s).
    • If the items have not been claimed within 14 days, then they must be disposed of by the original owner.
    • They may also be disposed of after that date by a Shop Lead or Board Member. 
    • Do not use Up For Grabs tickets as a means to dump items at HackPGH. 
  • Borked or Broken (orange):
    • This tag is used for tools or equipment that is not functioning in the way it is intended, signaling for Shop Leads or the Board to repair or replace it. 
    • No one may use an item with a Borked or Broken tag until it is repaired!
    • If you find a tool or machine that is not operating properly, stop its use, unplug it (where possible), and fill out the Borked or Broken tag to the best of your ability. Attach it to the tool with strong tape, and post about the problem in Slack or email 

Cleaning, Garbage, & Recycling

  • HackPGH is a community organization with no paid employees. Every member must help keep the shop clean! Leave your workspace as clean or cleaner than you found it – each time, every time. Remember, a clean shop is a safe shop. 
  • General rule of thumb: If you do not have time to clean up after yourself, you do not have time to use the shop!
  • Vacuum or sweep up sawdust, metal dust, or any waste that might end up on the floors during your work session.
  • Throw away all trash and recycling in the appropriate receptacles. 
  • Refill any empty paper towel dispensers and soaps. Extra toilet paper, towels, and soap can be found in the black shelving unit next to the upstairs bathroom. Cleaning supplies can be found in each bathroom and on the wire shelving unit across from the kitchenette. Contact the Board of Directors if we are low or out of cleaning supplies. 
  • If you eat or drink in the shop, make sure all food and beverages are properly disposed of and/or put away. In the spring & summer, crumbs, open containers, and garbage invite ants and other pests!
  • Due to past abuses, the Board of Directors will be checking the security cameras if they find large amounts of debris, broken tools, and/or exceptionally dirty areas.
  • Garbage
    • There are several garbage cans & bins throughout the shop. Use them!
    • If a garbage or recycling bag is full, take it to the dumpster. 
    • HackPGH and the rest of the building use Iron City Express services for both garbage and recycling. The dumpsters are located in the Watson Street parking lot: the smaller dumpster is for recycling, and the larger dumpster is for garbage. 
    • The dumpsters are emptied early every Tuesday morning (unless it falls on a holiday). They have lock bars to curtail illegal dumping. Click here to see how to lift the bar. The lock code to BOTH dumpster locks is the same as the Watson door lock code. Email or PM a Board Member or Shop Lead via Slack for the code.
      • Do NOT leave garbage or bags next to or behind the dumpsters! 
      • The dumpsters will not be emptied if the lid cannot fully close. 
    • All garbage cans must be checked and emptied on Monday evening and after the monthly shop cleans. Always replace bags!
    • New garbage bags are located in the kitchenette area in the labeled lockers. 
  • Recycling
    • There is a blue recycling bin under the kitchenette counter where members can dispose of empty plastic containers and cans. As of January 2024, we can no longer recycle glass. Please crush recyclables if you can!
    • Translucent recycling bags for this bin can be found in the labeled kitchenette lockers.
    • There is a wooden box for clean, flattened, cardboard and paper recycling to the left of the kitchenette lockers. Never place pizza boxes in here!
  • Dust Collectors/Extractors, Air Filters, and Air Purifiers.
    • Dust Collectors & Extractors:
      • The woodshop has a system of dust collectors and extractors running throughout the shop. Always turn on the appropriate collector/extractor when you are operating machines that may kick up dust! There are currently four main collectors/extractors:
        • Large two-bag dust collector near the Watson Door. Connected to the Miter Saw and other workbench tools, the CNC, and center machines like the Band Saw and Planer. Always empty the barrel and bags when they are ⅔ full or when the sensor alarm goes off. Watch Doug’s video here to find out how to empty the dust collector(s). Do not throw away bags unless they are damaged or torn! Empty bags can be reused by securing them with the band clamps around the dust collector. Replacement bags, when needed, can be found in the wooden workbench cabinet in front of the bathroom.
        • Small, one-bag dust collector in the back of the woodshop. Runs to the wood lathe and Saw Stop. Empty the bag when it is ⅔ full. 
        • Mobile Festool Dust Extractor and Pre-Separator. Located in the back corner of the woodshop, this wheeled system will separate large wood chips on top and filter the finer particles to the bottom. Empty the bags when full. Extra bags can be found in the wooden workbench cabinet in front of the bathroom. 
        • The Powermatic Belt & Disc Sander has a red shop vac attached to its dust outlet. Turn on the shop vac when using the sander, and off when you are finished. Empty the vacuum basin when it gets full, and clean the reusable filter inside before returning it to the vacuum. 
    • Air Filtration Machines
      • There are two large WEN air filtration machines on the Industrial Side of the Shop, one hanging above the woodshop near the planer, and one sitting on top of the yellow Flammables cabinet. Each machine has TWO filters that should be replaced when necessary:
        • The outer filter should be replaced 1-2x a month, depending on use. Extra filters are located in the back of the Storage Room in a labeled brown box on the shelf. 
        • The inner filter has three sections and must be replaced every 2-3 months. Extra inner filters are in a box on top of the flammables cabinet. 
        • Always mark the change dates on the outside filter in permanent marker. 
        • If a filter needs to be changed but you cannot safely reach the machines, notify a Shop Lead or Board member immediately. 
    • Air Purifier
      • There is a freestanding Philips Air Purifier across from the Jumonville door and under the fire extinguisher. Its two filters need to be replaced when the digital screen turns red. Replacement filters can be found in the back of the Storage in a white labeled box on the shelf. 

Shop Leads

  • Definition: Shop Leads are Members in good standing who support the HackPGH Board of Directors and general organization with their expertise and contributions in a specific Shop Area. 
  • Shop Lead Appointments, Removal, and Leave
    • Leads are not chosen by seniority or popularity, but by their ability to actively contribute to making decisions about their respective areas of the shop.
    • Shop Leads are appointed by a majority Board vote, taking into consideration recommendations from existing Shop Leads and active members in the specific Shop Area. 
    • Shop Lead powers can be removed by a majority Board vote due to a lapse in membership/participation, disciplinary offenses, etc. 
    • Leads can step down at any time, but outgoing Leads should recommend a replacement candidate!
  • Shop Lead Expectations:
    • Uphold and recommend any necessary equipment and safety rules.
    • Keep their shop area safe and orderly.
    • Train other members on the safe use of shop area equipment.
      • Ad Hoc training and safety checkoff only
      • CNC is the exception, all training with the exception of safety checkoff is paid
    • Conduct any necessary maintenance and repairs to the best of their ability. 
    • Recommend or request to the Board: replacements, new acquisitions, or disposal of old and broken equipment. 
    • Perform monthly parking pass checks, issue parking tickets, and update Slack and members with expired tickets. 
  • Shop Lead Decision-Making:
    • Shop Leads shall make decisions and recommendations by holding group discussions and votes.  Should there be a tie or irreconcilable differences, the Board will take over. 
    • Board Members who are also Shop Leads do not automatically overrule other Shop Leads. 
    • Irreconcilable disputes between a Board Member Shop Lead and other Shop Leads shall be settled by the Board of Directors. 
  • Shop Lead Purchasing powers:
    • Shop Leads can purchase and receive full reimbursement (in a one-month period) with the following guidelines:
    • Under $100: pre-approved, please turn in receipts to the Board Treasurer. 
    • Between $101-$300: requires approval from a majority of the area’s Shop Leads or one Board member.
    • Over $300: must get majority  Board Member approval
    • When a Board Member is also a Shop Lead, they must get approval from one other Shop Lead or Board Member when making purchases over $100.
    • For purchases that fall outside of these situations, please discuss with the Board Treasurer. 
  • Disciplinary powers
    • Shop Leads shall determine who has the right to use the tools in their respective space. 
    • Shop Leads can revoke tool privileges of members or students who are using equipment in an unsafe or damaging manner. 
    • Shop Leads can suspend members’ access from their respective areas for a day. 
    • Shop Leads can give members “yellow card” one-day suspensions from the entire shop in severe cases when the person in question has become unruly, unsafe, or refuses to listen to Shop Leads. 
    • In ALL disciplinary matters, Shop Leads must report infractions (above consequences or not) to the Board of Directors immediately.